Don't assume Donald Trump will lose support over White House chaos

The President's leadership is starting to look chronically dysfunctional, but his voters won't necessarily lose faith

The employment of Mr Scaramucci prompted the protest resignation of press secretary Sean "Spicey" Spicer, who hated The Mooch and couldn't bear to share the West Wing with him.
That was swiftly followed by a bizarre, expletive laden, on the record interview in which Mr Scaramucci displayed indiscretion, aggression and an appalling lack of judgement when referring to his colleagues.
A few days later President Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus (who doesn't have a nickname I can put in quotes) was also gone.
Mr Scaramucci was clearly the new sheriff in town despite the interview he had just given.
After all, this is the Trump administration; where accepted conventions don't always apply and behaviour that prompts outrage elsewhere can prompt admiration inside the Oval Office.
But then, (stay with me), Mr Trump employed retired US marine corps general John Kelly as his new chief of staff and the newest new sheriff in town.
It was suddenly the end for The Mooch, with General Kelly apparently not impressed that a person paid to communicate on behalf of the President lacked the discipline to avoid expletives in one of his first encounters with a journalist.
Mr Trump declared on Twitter on Monday morning: there is no chaos!
But whether by accident or design, the truth is the White House is in disarray and no amount of spin can camouflage it.

The latest convulsions all come against a backdrop of a stunning legislative failure on healthcare, and the ongoing scandal of several concurrent investigations into whether Mr Trump's campaign colluded with Russia to swing the US election.
The nuclear threat posed by North Korea is growing, while the promised tax reform and trillion-dollar infrastructure spending bills have yet to reach Congress.
Mr Trump's supporters will say the commander-in-chief thrives on chaos and division, and often causes both on purpose to see who emerges from the fray victorious.
That would be fine if Mr Trump only had shareholders to please. But he is running a country.
At the very best his idiosyncratic leadership style causes distraction. But it is starting to look like chronic dysfunction.
The real question is whether or not Mr Trump has sufficiently altered the standards by which those in public life are judged to get away with it.
Right now, although his national approval ratings are low, he enjoys robust support amongst Republicans and those who voted for him.
Don't assume the Scaramucci debacle will dent his popularity with his supporters.
They voted for him, in part, because he pledged to do things his way... at almost any cost.

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